Understanding the Importance of a Regular Health Checkup

Health Check up

How many of us go for a regular full body checkup? Probably, very few of us even have the time to eat properly, sleep well, and exercise every day. We all are stuck in this fast-paced life and mundane schedules wherein we pay the least attention to our health until we face inexplicable health issues.

Being ignorant about your health is not a good sign in the long run. Staying fit and healthy needs to be a norm wherein you need to keep your health at a priority and follow a healthy lifestyle along with a regular follow-up and full-body checkup. To sum it up, health checkups should be made a ritual; this will help in detecting chronic illnesses early so that it doesn’t turn into a potential threat in the future.

It’s never too late, get your appointment for full body checkup in Vadodara now!

Health is Wealth!

Maintaining good health is not a summer or winter resolution, it is a lifetime process. The concept of regular checkups is growing wherein annual health checkups are made mandatory in many corporate and government jobs. Screening diseases at an early stage helps in detecting potential problems in their beginning stages and make your body viable for early recovery, especially in acute diseases like cancer, Tuberculosis, asthma, COPD, arrhythmia and more.

In case of any potential problem, the doctor will identify the problem and start immediate treatment based on the patient’s condition. With the current lifestyle, some diseases can be very subtle and show no signs and symptoms until it reaches advanced stage. To reduce such risks, you need to visit the doctor regularly.

Another reason for it is that full-body health checkup may vary according to age, sex, family history, lifestyle, etc. Frequent health checkups can help in building a better patient-doctor relationship so that you have ample of awareness about harmful habits like alcoholism, tobacco, drugs, binge eating, inactivity that may pose some serious health issues.

The most common and essential tests are blood and urine tests to identify chronic infections and lifestyle diseases, ECG test, 6min walk test, lung function test. Many medical professionals recommend people to undergo full-body checkup regularly depending on their age.

Regular health checkup will help you with the following:

Update your clinical record for future reference. Here, they consider a previous preventive procedure like blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol, immunizations, etc.Study your health graph thereby helping you catch any changes in your health.

It equips you with the necessary information to improve your lifestyle and tips to balance work and life.

It will help you to maintain and improve your situation to avoid or manage a family history of diseases.

Enhances proper management of daily functions like bowel, seeping, eating, body movements, etc.

Physical examination reports can help in identifying the symptoms of a certain prevailing disease.Allows you to keep a check on bad habits like smoking, drugs, etc.

Pranayam Lung and Heart Institute, a comprehensive cardio-pulmonary healthcare service in Vadodara, provides specialized health check-up plans with timely diagnosis, treatment and health management. Hope you have registered for your full body checkup in Vadodara. Make an appointment now!

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